The Partnership Missions team is here is to help Tennessee Baptists locate and participate in the missions adventure.
For further information on Partnership Missions and missions trips, please contact Steve Holt, Mobilization Specialist, or Heather Beard, Ministry Assistant, 615.371.2061.
BlueOval City Partnership
The TBMB BlueOval City Partnership page will have news, events, updates, stories, photos, and strategies for our Tennessee Baptist partner churches as we prepare for the harvest of people coming to West Tennessee. We want your church to become part of this Golden Opportunity!
Denver Partnership
There is tremendous need here, where the Southern Baptist church-to-population ratio for City of Denver is 1 to 52,855. A vital need for planting new churches exists between the urban core and the suburbs. All kinds of younger adults, who have spiritual curiosities and needs, are settling into these zones.
Hawaii / Pacific
The Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention (HPBC) is a network of 155 churches. TBMB will partner with HPBC to reach Hawaii and surrounding areas for Christ. For more information, please visit their state convention web site.
Guatemala is the 4th poorest county in the western hemisphere. The population is around 15 million. Christianity is widely known but Christ is largely unknown. Media takes the Bible everyone, but few have ever been personally witnessed to by a Christian disciple.
All international projects are through the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention.