Youth Ministry Conclave
Chattanooga Convention Center 1 Carter St, Chattanooga, TN, United StatesA worship and training event for all youth ministers, adult youth leaders (full-time, part-time, volunteer) & student leaders in grades 6-12.
A worship and training event for all youth ministers, adult youth leaders (full-time, part-time, volunteer) & student leaders in grades 6-12.
An event for student singers and student choirs (6th-12 grades). RAISING UP A GENERATION OF PRAISE “Let this be written that a future generation, a people not yet created, may...
One of three youth evangelism conferences in 2025. “If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9)
One of three youth evangelism conferences in 2025. “If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9)
One of three youth evangelism conferences in 2025. “If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you...
Children, Youth, and High School drillers who successfully complete their church and association drills are invited to participate in the respective Children’s, Youth, and High School Regionals. More about Children’s...
Children, youth, and high school drillers who successfully complete their church and association drills are invited to participate in the respective Children's, Youth, and High School Regional Drills. More about...
Children, youth, and high school drillers who successfully complete their church and association drills are invited to participate in the respective Children's, Youth, and High School Regional Drills. More about...
Children, youth, and high school drillers who successfully complete their church and association drills are invited to participate in the respective Children's, Youth, and High School Regional Drills. More about...
Children, youth, and high school drillers who successfully complete their church and association drills are invited to participate in the respective Children's, Youth, and High School Regional Drills. More about...
Missions event for girls in grades 6-12 and their leaders! September 5th 6:30 p.m.- September 7th 11:30 a.m. Theme: GLOW UP! Northside Baptist Church, Murfreesboro - For Friday and Saturday...
RA Camporee: A camp for Royal Ambassadors and Challenger Boys held at Linden Valley Conference Center. Everyone over the age of 18 years old is mandatory to have a background...
During this event, the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board (or its agents or designees) will be photographing. You may be photographed. By your attendance, you are granting your permission to be photographed for commercial purposes and agree to the following: (1) being photographed by any means; (2) commercial or any other use of your likeness without compensation; (3) specifically waiving all rights of privacy during the photographing; (4) releasing the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, its agents, designees, officers and employees from any liability for loss, damage, or compensation for the commercial or other use of your likeness; and (5) compliance with all rules and regulations of the Tennessee Baptist Mission Board for this event.