Make Recommendations For

  • Directors of Tennessee Baptist Mission Board

  • Trustees of Institutions

  • Members of Committees


Follow the link below to make  your recommendation online for individuals to serve as a Director of Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, Trustee of Baptist Memorial Health Care System – Memphis, Carson-Newman University, Union University, Harrison-Chilhowee Baptist Academy, Tennessee Baptist Adult Homes, Tennessee Baptist Children’s Home, and Tennessee Baptist Foundation, as well as a member of any one of the eight TBC Committees.

The link will take you to the Tennessee Online Ministry Network.  Once there, you will be asked to create a user name and password for yourself (not for your church).  After the user name and password is created, you will click on a link named Board/Committee Recommendation Form.  This link will contain the form you need to complete for each recommendation you wish to submit.


  • Submit form completed in full to Chairman, Committee on Boards/Chairman, Committee on Committees, Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, PO Box 682789, Franklin, TN 37068, or fax to (629) 236-6148, by March 1, 2025. Forms received after that date will be considered as vacancies occur.
  • Or, submit electronically (see link below)
  • All recommendations will be considered by the Committees. However, no person submitting a recommendation should assume that his/her recommendation will automatically be nominated to the messengers of the annual meeting for election.
  • To insure accuracy, please type or print.
  • When submitting electronically, you will receive confirmation that your recommendation has been received.

Bylaw Requirements for Nominations:

  • Must be member of Cooperating Tennessee Baptist Church.
  • Must not be a regular employee of TN Baptist Mission Board or or of a Convention Institution.
  • Must agree to covenant to serve in accordance with, and not contrary to, the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
  • Some positions are subject to restrictions by grand region and others serving from the same church.
  • Individuals must be off a Board or Committee for at least one year before serving on another Board or Committee. Returning to the TN Baptist Mission Board, Committee on Boards or Committees requires being off for 3 years, 4 years and 4 years respectively.

Committee Considerations for Nominations:

  • Consideration is given to qualified individuals who are Christ-followers that have a discernible close walk with the Lord, serve effectively in their local church and demonstrate a commitment to the purposes of the Tennessee Baptist Convention.
  • Consideration is given to qualified individuals who will increase the representation of ethnic, gender and vocational diversity on Boards and Committees.
  • Consideration is given to qualified individuals who are members of churches that demonstrate a financial commitment of giving through the Cooperative Program or TBC ministries. Desired minimum level of giving based on undesignated receipts is 5% for TN Baptist Mission Board, 2% for TBC Committees and 2% for Convention Institutions. Participation in the Golden Offering for TN Missions is also preferred for the TN Baptist Mission Board.