Level 2 Training
Cost: $100
Contact: Email Becky Sumrall at bsumralltncjc@gmail.com for information.
The goal of Level 2 (2 days) training is to better equip an active CWJC/CMJC site coordinator to operate and evaluate a ministry site through a more in-depth exploration of key leadership and organizational issues. Attendance at NCT Level 2 is open to those individuals with at least 12 months of involvement in a CWJC/CMJC site since the completion of Level 1.
As a result of completing this training, individuals will be able to:
- Strengthen leadership skills
- Address primary concerns from their sites
- More consistently implement the key elements
- Develop a better understanding of organizational principles that affect a ministry site
- Revise the ministry plans for their sites
- Exchange ideas with other site coordinators
- Meet individually with a trainer
Prerequisite Bibliography:
Strengths Based Leadership – Tom Rath
This book needs to be purchased new, as there is a strengths assessment that comes with the book and will need to be completed prior to the training. A code for the assessment comes with the book.