Currently there are 60 Hispanic Baptist congregations in Tennessee. The number of Hispanic churches has tripled since 1995, with the majority of that growth happening in the last decade. The total estimated membership of all of our Hispanic churches is approximately 5,000. We celebrate the tremendous growth experienced in our evangelism efforts of the Hispanic population in our state.
However, we would do well to consider the opportunity that lies ahead of us. The Hispanic population in Tennessee has more than doubled, going from 124,000 to over 290,000 in the last 10 years. That is an increase of 134% according to data obtained from the 2010 census. According to information provided by Tim Hill, Ethnic Church Planting Strategist for the TBC, we have reached less than 2% of the Hispanic population that resides in our state. Given the fact that the Hispanic population in the United States currently is growing 10 times faster than our Anglo population, we must become even more passionate in our efforts to evangelize Hispanic men, women, and children as they are open to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Churches and associations across our state have seized this wonderful Great Commission opportunity by offering ministries such as English as a Second Language, Spanish Bible studies, and planting Hispanic churches. We must continue to partner together to reach the world that is in the shadow of our own steeples. Jesus said to His disciples, “Lift up your eyes and look out unto the fields that are white already unto harvest” (John 4:35). May we be extremely, clearly, compassionately aware of people without Christ. I know of no other group that desires to have an impact for the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world like Tennessee Baptists. Would it be possible for the TBC to assist our churches so that you could begin 15 new Hispanic churches a year in Tennessee? I believe it is possible, and I believe it is the least that we can do.
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